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HFB PDF Magazine 2024 – Read about the Rich Heritage of Hinduism in Belgium

HFB PDF Magazine 2024 – Read about the Rich Heritage of Hinduism in Belgium

Step into the vibrant world of Hinduism in Belgium! The Hindu Forum of Belgium proudly presents its 92-page magazine, packed with inspiring stories, cultural highlights, and historic milestones. What’s Inside? Martin Gurvich / Mahaprabhu Dasa Articles: The Road to Recognition and The Significance of Hinduism in Belgium: Vision and Future Dr. Rembert LutjeharmsArticles: Hinduism: A...

10 December 202412 December 2024
2024-12-02 First Step in the Recognition of Hinduism in Belgium Celebrated on a Memorable Evening

2024-12-02 First Step in the Recognition of Hinduism in Belgium Celebrated on a Memorable Evening

Author: Todd DeWitt On Friday, November 22, the Hindu Forum of Belgium (HFB) celebrated a milestone on the journey toward government recognition of Hinduism by holding an event at the Royal Library of Belgium. A hundred and fifty VIPs attended, including His Excellency Saurabh Kumar, the Indian Ambassador, and Herve Cornille from the Belgian Parliament....

2 December 202412 December 2024
2024-11-22 A Historic Step: Recognizing Hinduism in Belgium

2024-11-22 A Historic Step: Recognizing Hinduism in Belgium

Join us for a memorable evening celebrating a historic milestone—the first step towards the recognition of Hinduism in Belgium. Hosted by the Hindu Forum of Belgium, this gathering will bring together the beauty of Indian culture, dance, music, and flavors, showcasing the diversity and inclusivity at the heart of Belgian society.

11 November 202411 November 2024
Job Opportunity: Executive Secretary at Hindu Forum of Belgium

Job Opportunity: Executive Secretary at Hindu Forum of Belgium

We are excited to announce an opening for the position of Executive Secretary at the Hindu Forum of Belgium (HFB). As an integral part of our team, the Executive Secretary will play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of our organization. Responsibilities: 1- Taking minutes during Executive Board Meetings and General Assemblies2- Sending...

12 February 202416 February 2024
Press Release: Hindu Forum of Belgium, January 11, 2024

Press Release: Hindu Forum of Belgium, January 11, 2024

We are happy to announce that eleven years after introducing a formal request for Hinduism to be recognized by the Belgian Government and eight years after our formal request for a subsidy for Hindu Forum of Belgium, the Belgian Parliament has voted on 11 January, 2024, to grant the Hindu Forum of Belgium a subsidy, which is the first step towards recognition of Hinduism in Belgium.

11 January 202414 January 2024
2023-07-01 HFB Annual General Assembly

2023-07-01 HFB Annual General Assembly

The General Assembly meeting of the Forum Hindu de Belgique asbl took place at 10:00 am on July 1 at the Centre of the Brahma Kumaris, Luxemburgstraat 20, 1000 Brussel. -Present:Vedisch Cultureel Centrum Govinda vzwBrahma KumarisNamaskar asblRadhadesh asblCentre de Bhakti Yoga asblIndian Cultural Centre BelgiqueBhaktivedanta CollegeVzw Vrienden van Shiva -Guests:ICC BXLSanatan Dharma BelgiumShiva forum Europe...

14 July 202316 July 2023
2023-01-20 Mr. Ravinder Singh, President of the HFB passes away

2023-01-20 Mr. Ravinder Singh, President of the HFB passes away

The Board of Directors of the Hindu Forum of Belgium (HFB) and the Executive Team express their heartfelt condolences to the family members of Mr. Ravinder Singh, the President of the HFB, who passed away peacefully on Friday 20th January 2023 at the age of 55 years.Prayer meet in silence at Brussels Mandir on Sunday...

22 January 202314 July 2023
2022-07-03 Annual HFB meeting

2022-07-03 Annual HFB meeting

This year’s General Assembly was hosted by Bhaktivedanta College in the tranquillity of the Ardennes. Their premises are adjacent to the spiritual oasis that is sometimes named ‘India in the Ardennes’: Radhadesh. This year’s General Assembly was hosted by Bhaktivedanta College in the tranquillity of the Ardennes. Their premises are adjacent to the spiritual oasis...

9 July 20229 July 2022
2021-10-28 Meeting with H.E. Mr. Mahbub Hassan Saleh, Bangladeshi ambassador

2021-10-28 Meeting with H.E. Mr. Mahbub Hassan Saleh, Bangladeshi ambassador

The delegation expressed their concern about the lack of protection for Hindus in Bangladesh and handed over several letters from different organizations to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh requesting the Government to give proper protection to Hindu Temples, Businesses, and Community Centers, impart Justice to the perpetrators of the attacks and help rebuild the Temples destroyed. As well as help the families that lost members in the attacks.

29 October 202113 March 2022
2021-05-26 Meeting in the HFB head office

2021-05-26 Meeting in the HFB head office

On Wednesday the 16th of September the new Board of Directors of the HFB and the Executive team had their first meeting in the HFB head office at Avenue d’Auderghem 197, Etterbeek-Brussels. Topics such as criteria for new members, benefits of being part of the HFB, benefits of being recognized as a religion, a newsletter,...

26 May 202113 March 2022
2021-04-07 Request for official recognition of Hinduism in Belgium

2021-04-07 Request for official recognition of Hinduism in Belgium

In February 2013 Hindu Forum of Belgium officially applied for recognition of Hinduism in Belgium, by introducing a request with an extensive file to the minister of Justice. You can view that file here in three languages, as well as letters of support that the Hindu Forum of Belgium received afterward.

7 April 202113 March 2022
2020-09-06 Annual General Assembly

2020-09-06 Annual General Assembly

We want to congratulate the newly elected, re-elected members and the executive team, wishing them all the best of carrying out this very important task of representing the various member-Hindu organisations to the Belgian Government, media, Religious leaders, as well as to the public in general.

6 September 202013 March 2022
2018-11-11 Trip to Delhi, India

2018-11-11 Trip to Delhi, India

Mahaprabhu dasa, General Secretary of the Hindu Forum of Belgium, Malati dasi, Member of the Board of Directors of the HFB and Kanta Odido donor of HFB spent a week in Delhi meeting politicians. They presented a report of the recognition of Hinduism in Belgium and got support from important politicians. They met with Minister...

7 November 201813 March 2022
2018-07-07 General Assembly of the Hindu Forum of Belgium

2018-07-07 General Assembly of the Hindu Forum of Belgium

Below you can read the message by Mr. Sadeo Chunivan, the president of the HFB, delivered during the general assembly which was held on 1st of July 2018. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all of you today. It is gratifying to look around and see...

27 July 201813 March 2022
2018-07-23 Opening of the new centre of Hindu Forum of Luxembourg

2018-07-23 Opening of the new centre of Hindu Forum of Luxembourg

The Hindu Forum Luxembourg (HFL) opened the doors to its new centre at 219 Rue de Beggen in June. The HFL was created by 21 members of the Hindu community in Luxembourg from India, Nepal, Mauritius and Sri Lanka last September, and the centre hopes to welcome new European members in the Grand Duchy and...

23 July 201813 March 2022
2018-06-27 Meeting with Mr Peumans

2018-06-27 Meeting with Mr Peumans

On 27th of June the members of the Board of Directors met with Mr. Peumans who is the President of the Flemish Parliament to discuss the recognition process of Hinduism in Belgium.

27 June 201813 March 2022
2018-06-16 General Assembly of the Hindu Forum Europe

2018-06-16 General Assembly of the Hindu Forum Europe

16th of June 2018, Manik Paul, Mahaprabhu and Malati participated in the General Assembly of the Hindu Forum Europe. The HFE as an umbrella organization, aims to bring matters regarding Hinduism to the attention of leaders in Europe. After representing HFB since its inception in 2007, Mahaprabhu stepped down as a member of the board...

16 June 201813 March 2022
2018-03-07 Republic Day reception

2018-03-07 Republic Day reception

On January 22nd Mahaprabhu dasa and Malati dasi attended the Republic Day reception organised by the Indian embassy in Brussels. The Museum of Sacred Art organised an exhibit of artworks by Om Prakash called Mandalas which was very much appreciated by the public present.  

7 March 201813 March 2022
2018-02-16 Meeting with Prime Minister Modi

2018-02-16 Meeting with Prime Minister Modi

On Friday 16th February Mahaprabhu dasa, Director of MOSA, met with Prime Minister Modi in his Residency. Mahaprabhu dasa, General Secretary of the Hindu Forum of Belgium together with the author of the book Sushma Bahl and the Co-Curator of the Show presented the PM a copy of Forms of Devotion- The Spiritual in Indian...

7 March 201813 March 2022
2017-11-21 Hindu Forum Gains Support to Make Hinduism Official Religion in Belgium

2017-11-21 Hindu Forum Gains Support to Make Hinduism Official Religion in Belgium

Congresleider Dr. Karan Singh, een zeer geliefde en legendarische persoonlijkheid in India Een delegatie van het Hindoe Forum van België (HFB), waaronder twee ISKCON toegewijden, heeft vorige week in Delhi, India, een ontmoeting gehad met de Koning en Koningin van België, en met heel wat invloedrijke Indiase politici. Hun doel was steun te krijgen om...

21 November 201713 March 2022
2017-06-19 Meeting with Minister of Justice, Mr. Koen Geens: Request for recognition of Hinduism

2017-06-19 Meeting with Minister of Justice, Mr. Koen Geens: Request for recognition of Hinduism

Mister Dufour informed us that from HFB side we have been very diligent by filling in all the documents and by giving all the required information. This was later confirmed by Minister Geens. He suggested to us to continue to continue meeting different political parties in the autumn. Mr Dufour mentions that the HFB should become more professional and therefore they are intending to grant us the requested subsidy.

19 June 201713 March 2022
2016-04-21 meeting with the Green Party

2016-04-21 meeting with the Green Party

On the 11th of May 2016, the Hindu Forum of Belgium met with Meyrem Almaci, the chairwomen of the Flemish Green Party. Meyrem Almaci was accompanied by Gijs Ory, a policy adviser for the Green Party. Volunteer Markus Fobelets was the representative on behalf of the Hindu Forum of Belgium. It was a positive and...

21 April 201613 March 2022
2016-03-22 Joint Statement on Brussels Incident

2016-03-22 Joint Statement on Brussels Incident

The Hindu Forum of Europe and the Hindu Forum of Belgium express deep sorrow for the loss of life and our prayers for the speedy recovery of the victims of violent attacks in Brussels earlier today. We condemn the perpetrators of this violence and urge those who may have some idea of who they may...

22 March 201613 March 2022
2015-11-16 Diwali in the European Parliament

2015-11-16 Diwali in the European Parliament

Monday 16 November the Hindu Forum Europe (HFE) celebrated Diwali for the first time in the EU Parliament, Brussels. Host MEP, Neena Gill congratulated Hindus with this big success. The Ambassador of India, Mr. Manjeev Singh Puri, and the Ambassador of Mauritius, Mr. J. Koonjul, lit symbolically a dipa in the presence of other MEPs...

14 November 201513 March 2022
2015-09-20 Notice of the General Assembly of the Hindu Forum of Belgium

2015-09-20 Notice of the General Assembly of the Hindu Forum of Belgium

On Sunday 20 September 2015 HFBe had our General Assembly at Krishna Restaurant in Overijse, Brussels. attendence was down becasue it was a No Car Day in Brussels. Never-the-less a few hardy fellows and ladies did turn out for it. The committe led by Anil Chunivan was confirmed for another year. Membership fee was lowered...

20 September 201513 March 2022
2015-10-06 International Imam Hussain Council Syeda Fatima Conference

2015-10-06 International Imam Hussain Council Syeda Fatima Conference

International Imam Hussain Council; Syeda Fatima Interfaith Conference 8 June 2015: Recognizing women as key players in our society today Dr. Lakshmi Vyas is felicitated with an award at the Syeda Fatima Conference held at the House of Lords on 8/6/15. With Lord Avebury, Baroness Ashraf, Lord Ahmad, Yousef Al_khoei, Barrister Rubab Rizvi and others....

10 June 201513 March 2022
2015-04-26 Earthquake in Kathmandu Valley Nepal

2015-04-26 Earthquake in Kathmandu Valley Nepal

Our hearts go out to the people of Nepal who have lost loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods in the earthquake. We also pray with the Belgian Nepali community who may be worried about relatives back home and hope that their loved ones are safe. Our prayers for the eternal Shanti for the Atmas...

26 April 201513 March 2022
2013-06-07 HFE’s Bharti Tailor and HFB’s Mahaprabhu das Participate in EU Commission’s Religious Leaders Meeting

2013-06-07 HFE’s Bharti Tailor and HFB’s Mahaprabhu das Participate in EU Commission’s Religious Leaders Meeting

“Some faiths are more equal than others [… ] creating an unequal society and citizen,” Bharti Tailor of the Hindu Forum of Europe said last week at the EU Commission’s High-Level Religious Leaders meeting, including “indigenous people who adopt Hinduism [who are] treated as 2nd class.” 18 senior religious leaders from all over Europe met...

7 June 201313 March 2022
2013-06-07 India’s Cultural Director Visits Radhadesh

2013-06-07 India’s Cultural Director Visits Radhadesh

When Mr. Suresh Goel, Director General Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), is not dealing with United Nation reforms, or international diplomacy work he is also touring the world, promoting Indian culture abroad, and it is the exceptional Indian cultural presence of the Vedic community and castle of Radhadesh that brought him to the Belgian...

7 June 201313 March 2022
2013-06-22 Underneath the Balinese Sun  Hindu’s from Around the World Meet for the World Hindu Summit

2013-06-22 Underneath the Balinese Sun Hindu’s from Around the World Meet for the World Hindu Summit

The second annual World Hindu Summit event (WHS), organized by the World Hindu Federation (WHF), happened in late-June of this year in the capital city, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia. “Lokasamgraha”, means to “serve for unity, empowerment and welfare” and this saying was the theme of the event; organized by the World Hindu Parisad organization. The Hindu...

6 June 201313 March 2022

2012-09-12 New members

In the last meeting of 2012 (September), the General Assembly accepted the following new members: Bhaktivedanta College asbl Indian Cultural Center-Brussels Mandir

12 September 201213 March 2022